5.4.6. EntityId
class EntityId
Public Functions
EntityId() noexcept
Instantiate an EntityId. The internal value is set to EntityId::invalid.
EntityId(int64_t value) noexcept
Instantiate an EntityId from an integer.
- Parameters:
value – The value to use as internal value on the EntityId
EntityId(EntityId &&entity_id) noexcept = default
Move constructor.
- Parameters:
entity_id – The moved EntityId
EntityId(const EntityId &entity_id) noexcept = default
Copy constructor.
- Parameters:
entity_id – The copied EntityId
EntityId &operator=(const EntityId &entity_id) noexcept = default
Copy assignment operator.
- Parameters:
entity_id – The assigned EntityId
EntityId &operator=(EntityId &&entity_id) noexcept = default
Move assignment operator.
- Parameters:
entity_id – The assigned EntityId
void invalidate() noexcept
Invalidate an EntityId.
- Post:
is_valid() returns false
bool is_valid() const noexcept
Check whether an EntityId is valid.
- Returns:
True if valid, false otherwise
bool is_all() const noexcept
Check whether an EntityId is the ID representing all entities.
- Returns:
True if is ENTITY_ID_ALL, false otherwise
EntityId() noexcept
inline std::ostream &eprosima::statistics_backend::operator<<(std::ostream &output, const EntityId &entity_id)
Serialize an EntityId to std::ostream.
- Parameters:
output – The output std::ostream
entity_id – The EntityId to serialize
inline bool eprosima::statistics_backend::operator<(const EntityId &entity_id_1, const EntityId &entity_id_2)
Check whether an EntityId is smaller than another one.
- Parameters:
entity_id_1 – The left-side of the operation
entity_id_2 – The right-side of the operation
inline bool eprosima::statistics_backend::operator<=(const EntityId &entity_id_1, const EntityId &entity_id_2)
Check whether an EntityId is smaller or equal than another one.
- Parameters:
entity_id_1 – The left-side of the operation
entity_id_2 – The right-side of the operation
inline bool eprosima::statistics_backend::operator>(const EntityId &entity_id_1, const EntityId &entity_id_2)
Check whether an EntityId is greater than another one.
- Parameters:
entity_id_1 – The left-side of the operation
entity_id_2 – The right-side of the operation
inline bool eprosima::statistics_backend::operator>=(const EntityId &entity_id_1, const EntityId &entity_id_2)
Check whether an EntityId is greater or equal than another one.
- Parameters:
entity_id_1 – The left-side of the operation
entity_id_2 – The right-side of the operation